


Giuliani, Rudy

Rudy Giuliani is a right-wing lawyer, politician, and former mayor of New York City who helped Trump strategize about potential lawsuits and other options for overturning the results of the 2020 election after the president lost his bid for a second term.


Mike Roman

As Trump’s director of Election Day operations in 2020, Mike Roman was deeply involved in his efforts to overturn the result, actively working to coordinate the fake electors scheme, among other strategies to help the defeated president retain his grip on power.


Powell, Sidney

Sidney Powell is a far-right, Dallas-based attorney and former federal prosecutor who has been associated with QAnon and readily promotes conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election.


Troupis, James

Jim Troupis, a prominent Republican lawyer and judge in Wisconsin, was deeply involved in the fake electors scheme and other efforts to overturn the 2020 election results when he worked as a Trump campaign operative in the state.