


March to Save America

The March to Save America was the rally at the Ellipse in Washington that preceded the violent attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. The event is also often referred to as the Save America March or Stop the Steal rally. 


Stephen Miller

Steven Miller is among the most far-right extremists among Trump loyalists, serving as a senior policy advisor during the president’s first term and as a homeland security advisor and deputy chief of staff during his second..


Thomas, Ginni

Virginia (Ginni) Thomas is a conservative lobbyist and activist who has been married to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas since 1987. Numerous conflict of interest charges have arisen as a result of their long crusade together fighting for “a more conservative America.”


Turning Point USA

About Turning Point USA (TPUSA) is a right-wing nonprofit founded in 2012 “to identify, educate, train, and organize” high school and college students to uphold “the principles of freedom, free markets, and limited government.” In 2019, it expanded its 501(c)(4) political action organization, Turning Point Action (TPA), with the acquisition of Students for Trump, a … Read more


Uihlein, Richard

Richard Uihlein and his wife, Liz, own the Uline shipping corporation and are longtime mega-donors to ultra-conservatie politicians and causes. As billionaires, they were “among the biggest donors to the 2022 midterms,” according to Politico.


Wren, Caroline

Caroline Wren is a fundraiser and event planner who was listed as a “VIP Advisor” in a National Park Service permit for the Jan. 6, 2021 March to Save America rally at the Ellipse that fired up the crowd just before the violent attack on the Capitol.