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Kari Lake


Kari Lake is a former Fox News anchor in Phoenix who resigned in 2021 to run for governor of Arizona. Though she lost to her Democratic opponent, Katie Hobbs—the secretary of state in 2020 who certified President Biden’s legal win in Arizona—the “MAGA darling” is running again in 2024, this time for the U.S. Senate.

A conspiracy theorist known for spreading misinformation, Lake followed Trump’s lead by refusing to concede once she lost the gubernatorial race. During that campaign, she called for Hobbs to be “locked up over unspecified election crimes in 2020 and with little apparent irony, also advocated for imprisoning journalists she claims had lied about election results. 

Lake also made her anti-abortion stance well known in 2022, releasing a video in which she says she does “not believe in abortion,” that “life begins at conception,” and that she doesn’t “think abortion pills should be legal.” However, now that she’s running for the Senate and public opinion is against a total ban, she is again echoing Trump in flipflopping on the issue. “Her sharp pivot has aligned her with her close ally, former President Donald Trump, who has also undergone an election-year shift on abortion,” as CNN reported.  

Since the 2020 election, Lake has thrown herself into spreading the Big Lie and spewing far-right vitriol, a strategy that has helped her sudden rise in politics almost as much as have Trump’s endorsements. In early 2024, she forced the resignation of the head of the GOP in Arizona by threatening him with the release of secret recordings she had made of their confidential conversations.

In 2022, The New York Times reported that Lake’s “hard line against abortion” and routine use of “strident language on the stump”—along with her slick TV persona—allowed her to overshadow her more subdued (but ultimately victorious) opponent and gain points with MAGA voters. The Atlantic refers to her as “Trumpism’s leading lady.”

The Big Lie