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Rally for Revival


The Rally for Revival was held at Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 5, 2021. Among those who spoke at or were involved with organizing the rally were several prominent Big Lie influencers and Trump-world associates such as Roger Stone, Ali Alexander, Alex Jones, and Jack Posobiec, as well as other insurrectionist figures like 1st Amendment Praetorian founder Robert Patrick Lewis and Dominion Voting Machine conspiracy theorist and tech entrepreneur Joe Oltmann.

Speakers at the event pushed election conspiracy theories and dark warnings about the future of America, according to video of the rally captured by Bloomberg. The event was emceed by Matt Couch of the online publication DC Patriot, according to a permit issued by the National Park Service, but was described as being organized by the Eighty Percent Coalition.

The Big Lie

  • Speakers at the event repeated a litany of far-right talking points, from the mundane to the more hyperbolic. Throughout the event, they urged the audience to “fight” for America, “take back” America, and “defend” America from myriad nefarious forces that they claimed stole the 2020 election from Trump or rigged it against him. 
  • Lewis compared those gathered in D.C. to support the Big Lie to the group of soldiers who crossed the Delaware River with George Washington during the Revolutionary War.
  • Cordie Williams, a chiropractor and founder of 1776 Forever Free, invoked the memory of dead service members as key to efforts to ensure Trump remained in the White House.
  • Pastor Greg Locke told the crowd that “God is on our side” and that together they were “a mighty army” that couldn’t “be ignored.”