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Arizona Deniers

Administering Elections

At least a dozen county election administrators in Arizona parrot Trump’s claims of a stolen election and continue to spread disinformation about election integrity. They include:

  • Tom Crosby | Cochise County Board of Supervisors (District 1)
    Tom Crosby is one of two Republican election supervisors in Cochise County who refused to certify the 2022 results, an effort that ultimately failed when a judge ordered the board to certify the results. In November 2023, Crosby pleaded not guilty to felony charges of conspiracy and interference with an elections officer, and then voted to hire a fellow election denier as the county elections director. In fall 2023 that person, Tim Mattix, replaced longtime Elections Director Lisa Marra, who quit after facing hostility for refusing to authorize a hand recount during the 2022 election. In March 2024 she was appointed to the state’s top elections position, and the following month Mattix resigned after only six months on the job, becoming the fourth person to vacate the position in the past year. Crosby is due to stand stand trial for the felony charges in October 2024. 
  • Peggy Judd | Cochise County Board of Supervisors (District 3)
    Peggy Judd is one of two Republican supervisors in Cochise County who refused to certify the 2022 election results, an effort that ultimately failed when a judge ordered the board to certify the results.  Judd had previously attended the March to Save America rally in Washington on January 6, 2021, and subsequently spread disinformation about the event in interviews and Facebook posts. In November 2023, she pleaded not guilty to felony charges of conspiracy and interference with an elections officer. The trial is set for October 2024. 
  • David Stevens | Cochise County Recorder
    Closely affiliated with prominent election denier and former state Representative Mark Finchem, David Stevens is an election recorder in Cochise County and a director of the Finchem-run nonprofit Election Fairness Institute. During the 2022 midterms, he agreed to conduct a hand count of ballots in Cochise County after voicing skepticism about the security of voting machines and disseminating other election conspiracies. A judge ultimately ruled that a full hand count would be illegal. Several weeks after the 2020 election, Stevens told the Arizona Daily Independent that he supported delaying the certification of Arizona’s electoral votes to look into potential vulnerabilities in Maricopa County’s election. 
  • Steve Christensen | Gila County Board of Supervisors (District 1)
    An October 2021 Facebook post by Steve Christensen praised far-right State Senator Wendy Rogers (R–AZ–7) for “looking out for Arizona’s voter integrity.” In 2022, he endorsed fake elector Jim Lamon in his failed bid for the U.S. Senate.
  • Bob Bartelsmeyer | La Paz County Elections Director
    As elections director in La Paz County, Bob Bartelsmeyer reportedly shared memes on his personal Facebook page that supported Trump’s allegations of fraud and promoted conspiracies about Dominion voting machines. When he resigned from a brief stint as Cochise County elections director he assumed his previous role in La Paz County.
  • Hildy Angius | Mohave County Board of Supervisors (District 2)
    As an election supervisor in Mohave County, Hildy Angius has repeatedly spread election misinformation online. This includes a November 2020 Facebook post with the headline “SHARPIEGATE!” that the platform quickly censored due to misinformation. She initially voted against certifying the election results that month but ultimately voted in favor a week later. In February 2022, Angius posted about a video titled Justified: The Story of America’s Audit, and in August 2022, she promoted the Mohave County assessor’s comment that “our county is not the enemy… other counties are, but not Mohave.” Following Election Day 2022, Angius voiced her opposition to certifying the election, saying her vote to certify the results was done “under duress for the chaos Maricopa County has forced into our election process.”
  • Ron Gould | Mohave County Board of Supervisors (District 5)
    A member of the county board of supervisors, Ron Gould is running for reelection in 2024. In 2020, he advocated for delay beyond the legal deadline in certifying the presidential election results, characterizing Arizona as “still in play.” During the 2022 election, he spread misinformation about electoral fraud in Pinal and Maricopa counties. In January 2024, Gould filed a lawsuit challenging Arizona’s prohibition against hand counting and alleging that Attorney General Kris Mayes (D) “influenced the voting process and ultimate vote,” and “threatened” him via a 2023 letter sent to the Mohave County Board of Supervisors to let them know that voting to hand count ballots would violate state law.
  • Travis Lingenfelter | Mohave County Board of Supervisors (District 1)
    As a member of the county board of supervisors, Travis Lingenfelter initially voted against certifying the county’s 2022 election results, later justifying his decision by claiming that a “significant percentage of Arizona’s voters seem to have misgivings about the state of Arizona’s election process,” and saying that he had “received emails from Georgia, Michigan, and telephone calls from all over the country.” He also decided to delay voting to certify the results until November 28 of that year “in solidarity and as a statement to Maricopa County and state legislatures here that we must do better in the future to increase Arizonans’ confidence in our elections.”
  • Steve Christy | Pima County Board of Supervisors (District 4)
    As an election supervisor in Pima County, Steve Christy voted against certifying the county’s election results in both 2022 and 2020. 
  • Kevin Cavanaugh | Pinal County Board of Supervisors (District 1)
    As an election supervisor in Pinal County, Kevin Cavanaugh has pushed to count all 2024 ballots by hand based on the same false claims about voting machines that Trump has repeatedly made, going against state law that calls for paper ballots to be scanned and tabulated by machine. During the 2022 election, several hundred ballots initially went uncounted because workers programmed machines incorrectly. After the July 2024 primary, Cavanaugh filed a complaint asking the Arizona attorney general’s office to investigate the county’s election results, claiming to have found a suspicious pattern that indicated cheating (including in the sheriff’s race, which was lost by a 2-to-1 margin). On August 12, he voted “aye under duress” in certifying the results, later explaining that he felt pressured to do so. 
  • Jeff Serdy | Pinal County Board of Supervisors (District 5)
    As an election supervisor in Pinal County, Jeff Serdy criticized the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors in 2021 for “fighting the Constitution” by opposing the Cyber Ninjas audit, asking, “What are you hiding?” Also in 2021, he said it was good that the Pinal County Board of Supervisors had the power to appoint the county elections director as opposed to how it works in Maricopa County. In early 2023, Serdy voiced support for state legislators changing the law to allow election supervisors to vote against certification. “The last two elections have been kind of wonky,” he said. “What if 2024 is even worse and we’re forced to vote ‘yes’ on something we don’t want to vote ‘yes’ on?”
  • Harry Oberg | Yavapai County Board of Supervisors (District 1)
    In 2022 Harry Oberg claimed that “there is a growing concern around here in ensuring we have fair elections” and he was concerned about the security of drop boxes after watching the widely discredited conspiracy theory video 2000 Mules. He also voiced support for requiring video surveillance of all drop boxes in the county.
  • Darren Simmons | Yuma County Board of Supervisors (District 3)
    In 2022 Darren Simmons posted a statement by Andrew Gould (then a candidate for attorney general of Arizona) on Facebook that claimed “massive irregularities discovered during the 2020 presidential election.” He also endorsed a state representative who said the Yuma area “can’t have free and fair elections […] it’s spreading across the country.”

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