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FreedomWorks is a right-wing political advocacy organization connected to the FreedomWorks Foundation and FreedomWorks for America, a super PAC. According to its website, it “exists to build, educate, and mobilize the largest network of activists advocating the principles of smaller government, lower taxes, free markets, personal liberty and the rule of law.” 

FreedomWorks was affiliated with the Tea Party movement and encouraged protests against Covid-19 measures during the pandemic. It issued a brief in January 2020 calling for the legislative branch of government to take control of writing regulations, a task currently performed by government agencies. Such a move would gut the power of these agencies— along the lines of the 2022 Supreme Court ruling on West Virginia v. EPA.

FreedomWorks Foundation recently launched an effort called BEST: Building Education for Students Together to train conservative parents how to win school board seats from community members considered too progressive. In 2021, FreedomWorks was involved in efforts in Loudon County, Virginia to eliminate a trans-inclusive policy from the local school district. 

FreedomWorks emerged in 2004 with the merger of the Koch brothers’ groups Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE) and Empower America. Another similar organization, Americans for Prosperity (AFP), also splintered off from CSE. Former head of Housing and Urban Development Dick Armey ran FreedomWorks until 2012 when disputes led him to resign and be replaced by Matt Kibbe.

FreedomWorks is an associate member of the State Policy Network, a collection of conservative nonprofits and policy centers. Its donors include the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Sarah Scaife Foundation, and the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation.

January 6, 2021

  • Former FreedomWorks organizer Brendan Prenzlin was arrested and charged with misdemeanors for entering the U.S. Capitol and taking part in disorderly conduct during the Jan. 6 attack.

The Big Lie

  • In the days following the election, FreedomWorks hosted and promoted Protect the Vote protests around the U.S. Participants held signs alleging voter fraud and printed by the organization.
  • In early October 2020, FreedomWorks ran an “Election Protection” training to coach conservative poll watchers on how to mitigate mail-in voting fraud and other methods Democrats were suspected of resorting to in order to “steal” the presidential election.
  • In March 2021, FreedomWorks announced a multi-million-dollar National Election Protection Initiative headed up by Cleta Mitchell, a Trump-aligned attorney at the center of the Big Lie of voter fraud.